A Congregation of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod


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Installation of Reverend Ryan Drevlow

The Reverend Ryan Drevlow will be installed as the Senior Pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church during a service that will be held on Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 3:00 pm. A Potluck dinner will follow the installation. You can find invitation postcards to this event on the table in the South Narthex of the church.

Monday Night Services are Moving to Wednesday Nights

In an effort to better reach people with God’s Word and connect them to the church, we will be moving the Monday evening service to Wednesday evenings beginning September 7, 2022. The time will still be the same (6:15 pm), and the service will still be the same, but this will give confirmation parents an opportunity to worship on Wednesday evenings and…

Returning to Pre-Covid Worship Service Practices on July 18

Because of the decreasing numbers of COVID cases, the success of vaccinations, the increased number of vaccinated persons, and the CDC’s recommendation that “If you are fully vaccinated you can resume activities that you did prior to the pandemic,” we will resume pre-covid practices beginning Sunday, July 18. This will include communing at the rail, passing the offering plate, sharing the peace,…

Letter to Parents Regarding 2020-2021 Sunday School

We encourage all parents of Sunday School aged children (Pre-K through 3rd Grade) to read the following important letter about how Sunday School will be conducted at St. Paul’s during the 2020-2021 school year: St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Sunday School 2020-2021 This letter describes: New Sunday School structure and processes COVID-19 Precautions Parent / Sunday School Staff Covenant Parent Volunteers If you…

Worship Services Resume at St. Paul’s

In-person worship services at St. Paul’s resumed beginning May 24, 2020, with the following schedule: Sunday: 8:00 am and 10:45 amMonday: 6:15 pmWednesday: 12:15 pm (mask only) For more information about worship services and Sunday bible study please see the  Worship Service Protocols Document and the Worship Service Protocols Video. Worship Service and Bible Study videos will continue to be recorded and…