A Congregation of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

This page displays upcoming events at St. Paul’s. Events are listed in the order in which they will occur in the future.

For recurring events, only the first future occurrence of the event is shown. You can see how often a recurring event happens (weekly or monthly) by clicking on the event details button for it.

You can also see events by viewing our Monthly Calendar.

Five Loaves Supper

The “Five Loaves” Fellowship Supper is held the first Wednesday of each month at St. Paul’s, in the Fellowship Hall. It provides an opportunity for St. Paul’s members and friends from the community to enjoy each other’s company and the food, witness to our faith in God, and give Him thanks for all he has done for us.

Prayer Service

This 30 minute prayer service will include prayers for coming out of the pandemic. All members are encouraged to attend.